We believe portfolios need to be managed individually, in collaboration with our clients, and that a generic approach, whilst convenient for an adviser, cannot adequately cater for individual client needs and objectives.
In our opinion, each client is unique:
- They each have a unique entry point into the underlying investment markets.
- They each undertake different transactions at different times.
- Some are eligible for Government benefits, whilst others are not.
- Some clients have prior investment experience, whilst others do not.
Whilst clients may have similar risk tolerances, and whilst they may share similar philosophies on key attributes of their portfolios, they are each unique.
We believe the only way to help our clients to successfully manage their portfolios throughout the ever-changing market cycles is to work closely with them on an on-going basis. We do this by helping them to understand:
- the benefits and risks of all investments within their portfolio;
- how their assets are positioned, relative to the underlying markets;
- the level of investment risk within their portfolio, and how this compares to their risk profile;
- the impact of lifestyle decisions on their capital.
By communicating regularly with our clients, and by encouraging our clients to have a vested interest in their portfolios, we believe we are well placed to help our clients to benefit from a successful investment experience.